Samuel Whitbread Academy are pleased to announce the latest edition of their Anthecology: Issue 2

Samuel Whitbread Academy are pleased to announce the latest edition of their Anthecology. Issue 2, published in Summer 2016, continues in a similar way to Issue 1, describing the research each teacher in Samuel Whitbread Academy has undertaken through Lesson Study during the course of the year. In this edition there is a greater emphasis on teachers using research to inform how they will tackle their research question. These research questions are once again based on specific issues identified within departments and these are matched carefully to teachers to ensure the progress of students is the focus of improvement. Teachers have consulted Anthecology Issue 1 to generate ideas, or to develop work from previous lesson studies. In addition to this there has been an increase focus on key educational researchers, for example Dweck or Hattie, which have helped inform the development of this year’s lesson studies by the teachers.

A second development from Issue 1, as you read through this year’s articles is how teachers are identifying the impact that their lesson studies are having on student progress. Although much of the impact described requires further research to be substantiated, it is a great step in establishing CPD which focuses on classroom practice and improving students’ outcomes, which teachers continue to find so valuable. Further to this, teachers are also explaining how their lesson studies are both developing their own pedagogy as they understand more about the way their students learn, and how this generation of knowledge is then being shared and developed in departments and across the academy.

In the true spirit of lesson study, the articles in Issue 2, although able to draw some conclusions, continue to leave opportunity for further research and development. These opportunities will serve as an excellent basis for the focus of many of the teachers at Samuel Whitbread Academy over the coming year and we look forward to seeing how our understanding and knowledge of learning continues to grow for the benefit of our students.

You can download the Anthecology from this page

David Hall


Samuel Whitbread Academy

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