The programme for the first UK Lesson Study Conference is being finalised.

The first UK Lesson Study conference  called ‘Lesson Study: professional learning for our time,’ is being held in London on the 29th June. This is a not for profit event organised by the University of Exeter. Many practitioners will be sharing their lesson studies and there will be key notes from Pete Dudley and from Christine Lee of the Singapore Insitute of Education and President of the World Association of Lesson Studies. Many of the practioners will have been particpating in the Exeter Lesson Study MLD research project which has been been advised and supported by Pete Dudley and Gill Jordan, and from Camden schools where LS is being established as a very successful way of improving teacher and pupil learning.

The costs of the day have been kept very low (£75) and places are limited so please book early.  More details are available here.


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