New case studies posted focusing on the role of expert teachers in supporting guided group work.

A recent Lesson Study project, partly funded by Every Child a Chance Trust, focused on the role of expert teachers in supporting guided work within their schools. A total of eight  primary schools selected a literacy theme and 10 schools selected a mathematics theme.

The schools were asked to identify a member of the leadership team to take overall responsibility for the initiative and to ensure completion of all required reporting and dissemination work. In addition, the schools identified two class teachers to undertake the Lesson Study cycles and either the ECaR ( Every Child a Reader) or the ECC ( Every Child Counts) teacher. These expert teachers have high levels of training and skills in literacy and mathematics and became part of the Lesson Study group, introducing new ideas and supporting their colleagues.

To access these case studies you need to join LSUK. If you are already a member they can be accessed under the Lesson Studies tab.

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